Friday, February 12, 2010

Fight a Fire~Page 33

The materials required:
1.) A glass container or bowl
2.) Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
3.) Vinegar
4.) Candle
5.) Matches or a lighter
6.)Spoon (optional)
Fire needs oxygen to burn; therefore, the candlewill burn normally as long as there is oxygen present. When the baking soda & vinegar combine, they form carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is more dense than air; as a result, it fills the bottom of the container first. The carbon dioxide slowly rises to the top of the container, forcing the oxygen out. Since there is a lack of oxygen, the flame is then extinguished.
Vocabulary terms:
Chemical Reaction:
Interaction of chemicals that can alter the properties of the chemicals that were mixed or simply produce a new chemical compound.
Chemical Change:
A change in which the substances that were present when the change began to occur are no longer present when the change ends because a new substance was created.
Click here to view the Mini-Lesson

Tennessee Content Standards (8th grade):
Grade Level Expectation 0807.9.2-
Explain that matter has properties that are determined by the structure and arrangement of its atoms.
Grade Level Expectation 0807.9.3-
Interpret data from an investigation to differentiate between physical and chemical changes.
Click here for a more detailed list of content standards

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