Sunday, March 28, 2010

Get A Jet Going~Page 110

-Length of string
-Sticky tape
-Balloon pump
-Drinking straw

A jet engine sucks in air and heats it with burning fuel. Next, it sends the hot air blasting out from the engine which makes the aircraft move forward at high speeds. This experiment applies a similar concept to a balloon powered by a jet of air which allows us to see how the process works.
Vocabulary Terms:
Potential energy:
Is the same as stored energy. The "stored" energy is held within the gravitational field. When someone lifts a heavy object he/she exerts energy which will later become kinetic energy when the object is dropped.
Kinetic energy:
Is the energy of motion. It is ability to do work. The faster an object moves the more kinetic energy will be produced. The larger the speed & mass of an object, the more kinetic energy it will have.
Click here to view a Mini Lesson.

Tennessee Content Standards (5th grade):
Grade Level Expectation 0507.10.1:
Design an experiment to illustrate the difference between potential & kinetic energy.
Grade Level Expectation 0507.11.1:
Design an investigation, collect data and draw conclusions about the relationship among mass, force, and distance traveled. Click here for more content standards

Getting the experiment ready.....

Fun fact about the half human, half jet:
Swiss adventurer Yves Rossy a.k.a "Jet Man" was the first to fly across the English Channel using a jet propelled wing that he wears attached to his back! Click below to watch him fly!
National Geographic-Flight of the Jet Man
World Record Attempt

Extended Resources....
Friction "The Motion" of Our Lives-By: Sarah Young
It's electric!-By:Carla Shoemaker

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