Sunday, February 21, 2010

Experiment #2~See Some Sound (Page 75)

Materials Needed:
1. Rubber band
2. Plastic bowl
3. Big saucepan
4. Piece of heavy plastic
5. Uncooked rice
7. Scissors
8. Large spoon
9. Tape

Click here for step-by-step directions

Vocabulary Terms:
Sound: energy that is moving away from a vibrating object.
Wave: a transfer of energy as it moves away the source.
Echo: repetition of sound due to reflection of sound waves.
Click here to veiw the Mini-Lesson

Tennessee Content Standards (3rd grade):
Grade Level Expectation 0307.11.3-
Investigate how the pitch and volume of a sound can be changed.
State Performance Indicator 0307.11.3-
Distinguish between pitch and volume

Videos of my results...


Report & Observations:
I found that the harder you hit the saucepan the more the rice bounces. The sound waves travel through the air & hit the plastic which makes it vibrate & bounce the rice. I alo tried taking the experiment a step farther by using 2 different sized saucepans (large & small). I concluded that the large saucepan works the best with this experiment because the soundwaves from the smaller saucepan barely made the rice bounce.

Visit the links below for some extra fun!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Seasonal and Lunar Changes

What causes the seasons to change?

The tilt of the planets rotational axis causes us to have seasons; therefore, the large difference in the amount of the sun's rays reaching the ground in the different hemispheres is what causes the seasons

What causes the phases of the moon?

The moon's phases are mainly caused by 2 things:
1.) The moon's position as it circles Earth
2.) The sun's light it reflects to Earth

Half of the moon is always illuminated, it just isn't always the half that we can view from Earth.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fight a Fire~Page 33

The materials required:
1.) A glass container or bowl
2.) Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
3.) Vinegar
4.) Candle
5.) Matches or a lighter
6.)Spoon (optional)
Fire needs oxygen to burn; therefore, the candlewill burn normally as long as there is oxygen present. When the baking soda & vinegar combine, they form carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is more dense than air; as a result, it fills the bottom of the container first. The carbon dioxide slowly rises to the top of the container, forcing the oxygen out. Since there is a lack of oxygen, the flame is then extinguished.
Vocabulary terms:
Chemical Reaction:
Interaction of chemicals that can alter the properties of the chemicals that were mixed or simply produce a new chemical compound.
Chemical Change:
A change in which the substances that were present when the change began to occur are no longer present when the change ends because a new substance was created.
Click here to view the Mini-Lesson

Tennessee Content Standards (8th grade):
Grade Level Expectation 0807.9.2-
Explain that matter has properties that are determined by the structure and arrangement of its atoms.
Grade Level Expectation 0807.9.3-
Interpret data from an investigation to differentiate between physical and chemical changes.
Click here for a more detailed list of content standards

Click below to check out some fun activities!

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