Sunday, April 25, 2010

Real Life Science Project

Which liquid is best to use when growing beans?

Some liquids may be harmful to plants; therefore, this study should help enlighten us on whether or not vinegar and Sunny-D will harm bean seeds when compared to only using water.

Research Question:
Will vinegar and Sunny-D have detrimental effects on bean seed growth?

I believe that vinegar and Sunny-D will prevent seed growth, unlike water.

The materials required:
1.) 3 pots or paper cups
2.) Potting soil
3.) bean seeds (at least 3)
4.) Bottle of vinegar
5.) Bottle of Sunny-D
6.) Water
7.) Measuring spoons
8.) Colored marker

Click here for step-by-step directions

I planted 2 different types of bean seeds one in each of the 3 pots on April 5; each pot received 2 tablespoons of liquid a day. As of April 25, none of the bean seeds in any of the pots had come through the soil so I decided to dig them up to see what had happened. The pictures above show my results; each picture shows what the beans looked like before & after the experiment.

One of the beans in the "water pot" had sprouted & the second bean had cracked on the side & looked as though it was about to sprout.

One of the beans in the "Sunny-D pot" had swelled & turned black around the edges; it looked like it was trying to rot. The second bean had changed colors & swelled a little too. The pot always looked wet even when it hadn't been watered since the day before & the soil started to smell horrible!

Both of the beans in the "vinegar pot" were wrinkly and somewhat soggy, unlike the others.

Water promoted more growth than vinegar or Sunny-D. In fact, vinegar and Sunny-D seemed to have harmful effects on the beans. I believe that the Sunny-D was harmful to the beans because it contains citric acid, malic acid, and ascorbic acid. I also think that vinegar harmed the beans because it's acidic too.

Extended Resources:
Which soil is the richest? By:Sarah Young

Mad Science

Sugar Water Effects

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mrs. Spoone's Classroom Communication

Week at a Glance:

In Science Class:
We will be continuing our study of chemical reactions
this week in science class.

The science portfolio deadline is quickly approaching!
Please continue to work on your final draft.

Please remember to study your vocabulary words at home
because they will be on the next test.

Important Dates:
Chapter 18 test-Thursday, May 6
Museum field trip- Friday, May 15
Science portfolio deadline- Tuesday, May 17
Report cards- Thursday, May 27

Special Note:
I am very pleased with everything we've accomplished this year! The entire class did a great job on their science projects and I know that all of your portfolios will be fantastic. All of your hard work makes me very proud to be your science teacher!